
It is of the utmost importance to van Hoesel de Blaey that your data is safe with us, especially if it concerns personal data.

How personal data should be handled in the Netherlands has been specified the Personal Data Protection Act (wbp). Our Privacy Policy lays down the principles used by van Hoesel de Blaey in the protection of personal data. You can find a copy of the privacy policy here. Our Privacy Statement further explains how van Hoesel de Blaey handles personal data and privacy on a daily basis.
You can find the privacy statement here.

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) applies as of 25 May 2018. When van Hoesel de Blaey processes personal data for and on behalf of customers in the provision of services, the GDPR states that van Hoesel de Blaey and the customer enter into a Processor Agreement. You will find a copy of this Processor Agreement here.

If you have any questions about this, we will be happy to answer them. You can contact your contact person at van Hoesel de Blaey.